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Studies in the global system of interactions between humans and the natural environment in the evaluation of construction activity takes precedence in the scientific issues.

High significance in the creation of sustainable Construction has the state of culture of human society. Status quo in the state of the biosphere is largely determined by cultural marginality of modern humanity, as expressed in the form of "from anthropocentrism to biocentrism.

Urgent requirement is the improvement of education as an integral composite unit of culture, science and technology.

Creating sustainable construction project, implementing throughout its life cycle is feasible based on in-depth study of the natural environment.

The most important role in all phases of the construction project is the presence of highly qualified personnel with the appropriate level of training.

The need for the formation of sustainable construction as a phenomenon of countering the global environmental crisis requires the establishment of a system of continuous education, the foundation of which must be ecological knowledge of the general secondary and secondary special education to further the implementation of sustainable training in higher education in construction and in the preparation of highly qualified personnel.

A compulsory component of the whole system of continuing education are the principles of "green building", or rather sustainable construction as the base environmental safety, part of an integrated security.

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